
Games Not Suitable >:O

If you're thinking of making games like these, maybe check in with another product that will help more and save you time. I want to do more features, but not all will fit under this projects umbrella

Fighting Game

You want Rollback Netcode for fighting games to be sweet. I want to implement that at some point for fun, but it wont be in this project as its a specific setup. If you make a fighting game with my netcode, I don't feel it will live up to the standards of what fighters want. Look into GGPO perhaps

Shooting Deathmatch with Hit-Scan Weapons

Shooting games with insta hit weapons have an approach coded in called Lag Compensation to compensate for simulations being likely slightly off per client. I have not gone down this path, but I would like to add it to this project at some point... In the meantime check something else out

Physics Game

The physics in this project is very simple. Its custom built. IF you want to add to the physics engine built here to cater for other shapes, then go for it, but otherwise it'll likely save you time finding a product that helps on this front

Fully 3D movement

I only have 2d physics built into this thing at this stage sorry. So if you need physics to move in 3 dimensions, maybe look into Unreal Engine or if you can afford the server costs, Photon